Team Development


Much of the work accomplished in organizations happens when people come together to accomplish common goals and outcomes. Whether it is an executive team, cross-functional project team or team within a defined functional area, we believe how well they demonstrate the five High Performing Teams factors (Leadership, Relationships, Roles, Goals, Processes and Procedures) will determine their success.

Through both interviews and an online team surveys your team’s current effectiveness in these five factors are measured. Pending your specific goals for that team, a development plan will be initiated and put into place to help them improve in key team areas. We will then work with you to customize a team development training opportunity that will accomplish two goals:First, the event will focus on the serious business of helping your team gain critical awareness and build core competencies to help them be successful. Secondly, the way we design our teambuilding events is to blend in “serious fun” into the team activities where they learn about effective teamwork through hands on exercises that help to build team commitments moving forward. Below are some team development objectives from previous programs that maybe important learning opportunities for your organization:

  • Strengthen relationships through understanding individual similarities and differences on teams
  • Benchmark strengths and development areas of teams
  • Build trust and morale
  • Improve teamwork
  • Understand team stages of development
  • Utilize diversity and deal effectively with conflict
  • Clarify team roles and responsibilities
  • Create a team mission statement
  • Improve communication within teams
  • Develop team and individual action plans

Please contact us for more information and how we can design a customized team development program for your organization…